Saturday, November 17, 2018

Dr. James Kojian M.D. - Is Your Home Making You Gain Weight? Here’s What The Experts Say

Your home could be contributing to your weight gain! If you recently began a Phentermine 37.5mg regimen, review what experts have to say about the home and weight to determine if your house is as “healthy” as it could be.
dr. james kojian

Large Coffee Pot
Too much caffeine causes excess fat storage and insulin resistance according to a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. An overly-large coffee pot in your kitchen may subsequently be contributing to weight gain.
Wrong-Size Flatware
If every plate and bowl in your house comes in “family size,” you are probably consuming bigger portions than you realize. Studies indicate larger flatware equals larger portions...and more calories consumed. Re-evaluate what you have to see if you should downsize.
Healthy Food Is Never In Sight
Keeping your healthy food out of sight will most likely make you forget about it--”out of sight, out of mind” is a real thing, after all! Help healthy, filling options stay visible--for example purchase large fruit bowls filled with colorful options that satisfy cravings.
Pantries Full Of Snacks
“Whether it’s ice cream, cookies, candy, chips or other items, just knowing that your trigger foods are in the kitchen or office desk can derail any healthy eating program,” says Christine M. Palumbo, MBA, RDN, FAND, a Chicago area registered dietitian and nutrition communications consultant. “This is especially true between 3 p.m. and bedtime when cravings tend the be the most difficult to ignore.”
Make a point of keeping high-fat, high-sugar foods out of your home so you don’t feel the urge to indulge.
Super-Comfortable Living Room
Coming home and relaxing on the couch after a long day’s work should not be at the expense of your waistline. Take inventory of every super-comfy piece of furniture in your living room that may be hindering you from doing lunges and squats or going for an after-dinner walk.
For more on 
Phentermine 37.5mg, please contact today.

About The Doctor:

Dr. James Kojian, M.D. is not only a Physician and a Surgeon but is also a certified Anti-Aging and Longevity Expert who offers amazing results using F.D.A approved treatments And Dr. James Kojian Jr, MD - Owner And Founder of, Fremont, CA

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