Thursday, November 15, 2018

Dr. James Kojian M.D. - Is One Weight Loss Surgery Better Or Safer Than Others?

Undergoing surgery to lose weight is always a risk due to the possibility of complications during or after the procedure. Eating well, exercising, and taking Phentermine 37.5mg are the much safer and healthier ways to shed excess pounds for good. With that in mind, learn about new research on which weight loss surgery is best. The study was published in the Oct. 29 edition of the Annals of Internal Medicine.
dr. james kojian
Three Types
Researchers compared three types of weight loss surgery: gastric bypass, adjustable gastric banding, or lap band, and sleeve gastrectomy. Gastric bypass is currently believed to be the most effective, but it is not without risk.
"There are trade-offs. Bypass is more effective for weight loss, but has a greater risk of short-term complications. People need to consider, 'What do I value most?' Is safety your biggest concern? Or, is it the magnitude of the weight loss?" said study lead author Dr. David Arterburn. He's a senior researcher at the Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute in Seattle.
No Perfect Way
Arterburn emphasized the importance of finding other weight loss methods first. Dr. Mitchell Roslin, director of the bariatric surgery program at Northern Westchester Hospital in Mount Kisco, N.Y., echoed his sentiment.
"There is no perfect way. The more we change the body, the higher the weight loss, but complications may be higher. There's no one-size-fits-all weight-loss surgery," he said.
Arterburn also noted that those interested in weight loss surgery should choose a surgeon with experience in several kinds of weight loss procedures.
"Not every surgeon is equally comfortable with all of the procedures. Have a conversation with a surgeon who does all of the surgeries so the conversation is about what's right for you," he remarked.
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About The Doctor:

Dr. James Kojian, M.D. is not only a Physician and a Surgeon but is also a certified Anti-Aging and Longevity Expert who offers amazing results using F.D.A approved treatments And Dr. James Kojian Jr, MD - Owner And Founder of, Fremont, CA
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