Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Dr. James Kojian, M.D. - 5 Problems The Keto Diet Can Cause

The keto diet is the latest weight loss craze promising a relatively easy way to shed excess pounds. It has been endorsed by celebrities and requires consuming very few carbs to lose weight. If you recently started a Phentermine 37.5mg regimen and are wondering if the keto diet is right for you, learn some of the problems it can cause.
dr. james kojian

Muscle Shrinkage
Limiting your carb intake via fruits, vegetables, and grains causes the body to extract protein from your muscles and other tissues, resulting in muscle shrinkage. Quick weight loss at the start of a keto diet is subsequently due to muscle as well as fat loss.
Sleep Issues
Consuming considerably less carbohydrates forces the body into the metabolic state of ketosis, which causes a fast fat breakdown. The first few days or weeks of the keto diet can subsequently make you feel tired and cause sleeping problems. This form of carbohydrate withdrawal is known as “keto flu.”
Drinking plenty of water is essential to health no matter what diet you are on, but even more important if you start a keto program. It causes water loss because the body flushes out excess nitrogen from protein breakdown with frequent urination. This can unfortunately lead to dehydration and leg cramps if you are not continually replenishing yourself with water.
Extra Stress
Since diets are restrictive, feeling extra stressed is not uncommon. Depriving the body of nutrients creates an “emergency state” that results in more cortisol production, the stress hormone that contributes to belly fat among other problems.
Foggy Brain
Since the body relies on fat stores when it is in ketosis, it can make the brain feel a little foggy. The human brain needs at least 100 grams of carbs every day to function at an optimal level.
For more on 
Phentermine 37.5mg, please contact DrToHelp.comtoday.

About The Doctor:

Dr. James Kojian, M.D. is not only a Physician and a Surgeon but is also a certified Anti-Aging and Longevity Expert who offers amazing results using F.D.A approved treatments And Dr. James Kojian Jr, MD - Owner And Founder of drtohelp.com, Fremont, CA

Reference Link: https://drtohelp.com/blogs/news/5-problems-the-keto-diet-can-cause

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Dr. James Kojian, MD - What Is The Isagenix Diet?

The Isagenix diet has gained popularity in recent months, but what is it and does it promote lasting weight loss? If you are reviewing assorted diets as part of your new Phentermine 37.5mg weight loss regimen, take a moment to learn about this option.
dr. james kojian

What It Is
Isagenix diets consist of shakes and supplements designed to assist with weight loss.
“The most popular Isagenix diet plan is the ’30-Day System,’ which consists of shake days (when you consume a total of 1,200 to 1,500 calories per day) and cleanse days (only 300 to 500 calories per day),” explains Jim White, RD, ACSM Health Fitness Specialist. “On shake days, dieters replace two meals per day with an IsaLean shake and are encouraged to eat a healthy 400-600 calorie meal for their third meal. Shake days also consist of Isagenix supplements and Isagenix-approved snacks (around 150 calories each). One to two days a week are cleanse days where dieters abstain from meals and consume four servings of an Isagenix cleanse drink and snack.”
What It Does
While this diet can help you shed excess pounds quickly, White emphasizes that like most fad diets it is not a long-term solution for weight loss. He also notes that the shakes are loaded with fructose, a type of sugar linked to cardiometabolic risk and belly fat. Additionally, fad diets such as Isagenix put the body into a state of emergency because it is not getting as many nutrients. This leads to stress that causes the body to produce more cortisol, a type of hormone linked to abdominal fat among other health issues.
White recommends forgoing such diets and consuming whole, unprocessed foods to give the body the nutrients it needs.
For more on 
Phentermine 37.5mg, please contact DrToHelp.com today.

About The Doctor:

Dr. James Kojian, M.D. is not only a Physician and a Surgeon but is also a certified Anti-Aging and Longevity Expert who offers amazing results using F.D.A approved treatments And Dr. James Kojian Jr, MD - Owner And Founder of drtohelp.com, Fremont, CA

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Dr. James Kojian - Is The Brain’s Self-Control Center A Key To Weight Loss?

New research claims behavioral therapy is just as important as diet and exercise to enjoy a healthy weight. A new small study from McGill University's Montreal Neurological Institute in Canada says those who have an easier time losing weight enjoy more activity in the brain regions linked to self-control.
dr. james kojian

Two Different Regions
According to senior researcher and neurologist Dr. Alain Dagher of McGill University, dieting is an ongoing battle between two sections of the brain. Weight loss tells the body it needs more energy, causing activation in part of the brain connected to desire and motivation. Known as the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, this brain section triggers hunger pangs in response to the energy deficit. Yet another section of the brain promoting self-control, the lateral prefrontal cortex, counters these pangs.
"It's a struggle, and we're doing brain imaging of that struggle, the struggle between the desire to lose weight and the desire to eat tasty food," Dagher said. "The analogy that's good here is smoking. Cigarette smoking has been largely beaten in the Western world through a combination of strategies, and some of these target self-control."
A Brain Scan Study
Dagher and his colleagues scanned the brains of 24 participants in a weight loss clinic program where they had to eat 1,200 calories a day. One scan started prior to the diet, another about a month into the program, and the last three months in.
"We showed them appetizing pictures of food and measured the brain response to these pictures," which naturally triggered the motivation region of the brain, Dagher said.
Greater Self-Control
Those who shed the most weight had more brain activity in the self-control regions.
"Those people who achieved greater weight loss had a greater activation of brain regions that are involved in self-regulation, which might suggest they are better able to self-control their food intake,” said Dr. Jeffrey Zigman, an endocrinologist with UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas.
Learn about 
Phentermine 37.5mg, please contact DrToHelp.com today.

About The Doctor:

Dr. James Kojian, M.D. is not only a Physician and a Surgeon but is also a certified Anti-Aging and Longevity Expert who offers amazing results using F.D.A approved treatments And Dr. James Kojian Jr, MD - Owner And Founder of drtohelp.com, Fremont, CA

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Dr. James Kojian, MD - Weight Loss “Tricks” That Don’t Work

There are innumerable weight loss tips and tricks out there, and not all are created equal. Some have virtually no effect on your efforts, while others are just plain unhealthy. Learn about some of these “tips” to help your Phentermine 37.5mg regimen.
dr. james kojian

Eliminating Gluten
Unless you are allergic to gluten, there is no reason to eliminate it from your diet.
Going gluten-free might work for a little while, but your whole GI tract will change as a result,” says Shayna Komar, RD, a licensed and registered dietitian at Piedmont Healthcare told Reader’s Digest. “So, if you go back and add gluten into your diet again, you may find you’ve actually developed a gluten sensitivity.”
Forgoing Fat
While removing trans and saturated fats from your diet helps you shed unwanted pounds, there is no reason to eliminate all fat from your diet. Healthy fats satiate you so you do not make poor food decisions throughout the day that hinder your efforts. Olive oil, avocados, nuts, and other healthy fats also provide you with energy, so make sure you are eating them daily.
Exercise may be essential to a healthy life, but it may not necessarily result in weight loss due to how your metabolism operates. The more you physically active you are, the more you may plateau and stay the same weight. Exercise is also an essential part of an overall healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet.
The weight lost completing a cleanse or detox is not sustained in the long run—temporary solutions equal temporary results,” says registered dietitian Tanya Zuckerbrot MS, RD. “Immediately after finishing a cleanse, people go back to their regular eating habits and inevitably gain their weight back.” 
For more on Phentermine 37.5mg
, please contact DrToHelp.com today.

About The Doctor:

Dr. James Kojian, M.D. is not only a Physician and a Surgeon but is also a certified Anti-Aging and Longevity Expert who offers amazing results using F.D.A approved treatments And Dr. James Kojian Jr, MD - Owner And Founder of drtohelp.com, Fremont, CA

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Dr. James Kojian, MD - 5 Ways To Start Losing Weight When You’re Feeling Unmotivated

For many, the idea of losing weight can seem incredibly overwhelming. If you are one of these people, help yourself shed excess pounds with Phentermine 37.5mg, a healthy diet, exercise, and these tips.
dr. james kojian

Think About Why You Want To Lose Weight
Take a moment to think about why you want to lose weight in the first place. Are you trying to fit into a formal outfit for a special event? Do you want to help your heart health or overall health? Will losing weight boost your self-esteem? Come up with a list of wonderful reasons why you want to weight--make them as specific as possible to use as inspiration during your weight loss journey.
Keep A Food Journal
Start and maintain a food journal to take stock of how much you are actually consuming every day. Seeing what you eat each day on paper makes it easier to consume less because you know how many calories you have already ingested.
Set Goals That Aren’t Specific To Numbers
Rather than saying, “I want to lose 20 pounds by x date,” create goals that do not put as much pressure on yourself. For example, make it a goal to eat lean protein instead of sausage every morning for breakfast, or swap your dinnertime soda habit for seltzer or plain water. These simple changes will seem a lot easier than attempting a full lifestyle makeover. The more goals you reach, the more you can make...and the better you will look and feel.
Record Your Progress
Write down your latest triumph and take pictures to further motivate yourself and track your progress. If you can see the weight you are losing on screen, you will feel inspired to continue your journey.
For more on 
Phentermine 37.5mg, please contact DrToHelp.com today.

About Doctor:

Dr. James Kojian, M.D. is not only a Physician and a Surgeon but is also a certified Anti-Aging and Longevity Expert who offers amazing results using F.D.A approved treatments And Dr. James Kojian Jr, MD is an aesthetic medicine specialist in Studio City, CA and has been practicing for 28 years.

Reference Link: https://drtohelp.com/blogs/news/5-ways-to-start-losing-weight-when-you-re-feeling-unmotivated

Friday, October 19, 2018

Dr. James Kojian MD, - What Is The Scandi Sense Diet?

Nutritionist and biotech CEO Suzy Wengel credits her hands for helping her lose weight. She is the creator of the Scandi Sense Diet, a new way to consume food that may complement your Phentermine 37.5mg regimen. Take a moment to learn more about this weight loss method to determine if it’s right for your needs.
dr.jemas kojian

Using The Hands To Control Portion Size
“I used food to deal with my emotions,” Wengel, told TODAY. “I had a difficult time identifying when I was hungry, and I never felt [full]. I ate normally in the presence of others, but consumed huge amounts of food when on my own. I felt embarrassment and shame, guilt and disgust with myself and had a very negative body image.”
Wengel weighed 220 pounds at her heaviest but dropped 88 pounds over a 9-month period in 2011 and 2012 and kept it off. She uses her hands to control how much healthy fat, protein, and carbohydrates she eats at every meal.
Her Diet Rules
The nutritionist’s diet rules include eating three meals a day without snacking, as each meal should keep you satiated for five or six hours. This schedule is especially important during the first two weeks of the program. Measure portions with your hands, such as one or two handfuls of vegetables with one handful each of protein and carbs. The diet also allows up to three tablespoons each of fat such as butter or olive oil.
“If you lose weight, your handful sizes are OK,” she says. “If you gain weight — and you want to lose weight — you will have to reduce your handfuls or opt for less fat.”
Wengel also recommends exercising at least 30 minutes daily to help with weight loss and your overall health.
For more on Phentermine 37.5mg, please contact DrToHelp.com today.

About The Doctor:

Dr. James Kojian, M.D. is not only a Physician and a Surgeon but is also a certified Anti-Aging and Longevity Expert who offers amazing results using F.D.A approved treatments And Dr. James Kojian Jr, MD - Owner And Founder of drtohelp.com, Fremont, CA

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Dr. James Kojian, MD - 3 Unique Weight Loss Secrets From Doctors

Help your Phentermine 37.5mg-fueled weight loss efforts this fall with doctor-approved tips. Shed excess pounds quickly and safely so you look great through the new year and beyond.
dr. james kojian

Eat More Greek Yogurt
“Greek yogurt is great for palatability, satiation and protein content,” says Gerard Mullin, M.D., director of the Johns Hopkins Integrative GI Nutrition Services. “Yogurt is also great for feeding the good bugs that live in your intestine, which improves the health of your microbiome, the community of microorganisms that live in your body. More and more research is pointing to probiotics as an effective treatment for weight management and obesity.”
Increase Your Intake Of Dark, Leafy Greens
“For me the best food is dark greens, such as arugula, spinach, and lettuces,” says Donald D. Hensrud, M.D, M.P.H., chair of the Division of Preventive, Occupational, and Aerospace Medicine at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine. “They are very low in calories, very high in nutrients, and can be prepared in a variety of ways that taste great —- many different types of salads, pasta dishes, lasagna, sandwiches, pesto, soups, or even a spinach pie!”
Enjoy Eggs
“They [eggs] have lots of high quality protein, especially tryptophan,” notes Robert Lustig, M.D., M.S.L., director of the Weight Assessment for Teen and Child Health (WATCH) Program at the University of California, San Francisco.
“Protein is satiating, and also you spend more energy converting it to a metabolite that can be burned, which aids in weight management. Eggs got a bad rap in the 1980’s because of the cholesterol in the yolk. But it does not raise the small dense LDL, which is the atherogenic particle [the one that forms plaques in your arteries]. Eggs are great by themselves, with many different ways of preparation, or they can be added to foods easily.”
For more on 
Phentermine 37.5mg, please contact DrToHelp.com today.

About The Doctor:

Dr. James Kojian, M.D. is not only a Physician and a Surgeon but is also a certified Anti-Aging and Longevity Expert who offers amazing results using F.D.A approved treatments And Dr. James Kojian Jr, MD - Owner And Founder of drtohelp.com, Fremont, CA

Reference Link: https://drtohelp.com/blogs/news/3-unique-weight-loss-secrets-from-doctors

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Dr. James Kojian, MD - 6 More Ways To Slash 100 Calories From Meals

Help your Phentermine 37.5mg-fueled efforts by learning more ways to eliminate 100 calories from your daily snacks and meals. There are plenty of ways to feel full without increasing your caloric intake early in the day.

Forget The Tortilla Chips
The fried tortilla chips with salsa that appear at your table in any Mexican restaurant are calorie bombs. Skip eating them to save room for your meal and cut unnecessary calories.
Make Smart Morning Protein Choices
Opt for lean cuts of ham, Canadian bacon, or veggie bacon instead of standard bacon and sausage for breakfast. You can also skip the meat in general and get your protein in other ways, such as breakfast dishes featuring quinoa.
Opt For Brown Or Cauliflower Rice
Swap white rice, which has very little nutritional value in addition to plenty of calories, for brown rice or cauliflower rice. You’ll add more nutrients and fiber to your meal every time you do this.
Use All-Fruit Jam Only
Ensure you always use all-fruit jam to reduce sugar and therefore calories from your toast or other meal. Most commercial jams are loaded with sugar to make them sweeter.
Put Veggies In Your Omelet Instead Of Meat And Cheese
Make your omelets at home and load them with vegetables and mushrooms instead of meat and cheese for a filling yet healthy and calorie-conscious breakfast. Try onions, peppers, and spinach to enjoy a variety of flavors.
Choose Whole Wheat Bread Over White
Always go for whole wheat bread instead of white bread, or better yet consume sprouted bread. Make a point of eating bread less in general to consume fewer calories--make it a special indulgence instead of an everyday thing.
For more on Phentermine 37.5mg, please contact DrToHelp.com today.

 About The Doctor:

 Dr. James Kojian, M.D. is not only a Physician and a Surgeon but is also a certified Anti-Aging and Longevity Expert who offers amazing results using F.D.A approved treatments And Dr. James Kojian Jr, MD - Owner And Founder of drtohelp.com, Fremont, CA

Friday, October 12, 2018

Dr. James Kojian, MD - 6 Easy Ways To Slash 100 Calories From Every Meal

If you recently began taking Phentermine 37.5mg and are looking ways to consume less calories, know that you do not want to start a restrictive diet. There are many easy ways to cut 100 calories from every snack and meal so you consume less and help yourself lose weight.
Dr. James Kojian

Eat Open-Faced Sandwiches
Forget the top piece of bread from each sandwich you prepare to remove 100 calories from your meal. Use it as an excuse to add healthier items that take a long time for the body digest so you feel fuller for longer, such as more vegetables.
Use Smaller Dishes
Eliminate up to 100 calories from your next meal by using a smaller plate. You will automatically eat smaller portions to assist with your weight loss.
Save Half Of Your Bagel
Save half of your bagel for tomorrow’s breakfast and use vegan cream cheese. Wrapping up half of your meal is always a good way to eat less calories.
Opt For Non-Fat Milk & Yogurt
Drink 1%, 2%, or skim milk rather than the full fat versions. If you are looking for a healthy way to stop consuming cow’s milk altogether, consider rice or almond milk. Also consume nonfat Greek yogurt instead of the full fat option to lower your caloric intake at breakfast.
Use Cinnamon In Coffee
Sprinkle cinnamon instead of syrup in your coffee to cut calories and give your metabolism a jump start to the day. Use cinnamon as topping on food as well, such as cinnamon on oatmeal instead of white sugar.
Swap Pasta Noodles For Veggie Noodles
Trade pasta noodles for their vegetable counterparts to eat less calories. Use a spiralizer to make nutrient-dense “pasta” out of your favorite veggies for filling, healthy dishes.
For more 
Phentermine 37.5mg information, please contact DrToHelp.com today.

About The Doctor:

 Dr. James Kojian, M.D. is not only a Physician and a Surgeon but is also a certified Anti-Aging and Longevity Expert who offers amazing results using F.D.A approved treatments And Dr. James Kojian Jr, MD - Owner And Founder of drtohelp.com, Fremont, CA

Reference Link: https://drtohelp.com/blogs/news/6-easy-ways-to-slash-100-calories-from-every-meal

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Dr. James Kojian, MD - What is Phentermine? Is Phentermine Good For Losing Weight?

What is Phentermine?
Phentermine is a prescription-only medication often used with doctor-advised exercise and a dieting program to help you lose weight. It is generally issued for people who have experienced issues with obesity or other medically related weight or health issues. The main benefit of phentermine to other weight loss drugs is the smaller chance of experiencing heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and other problems that may reduce an individual’s life.
Dr. James Kojian

It isn’t exactly clear how phentermine results show effectivity in helping individuals lose weight, just that it appears to show some results. It can be a reduction of appetite, an increase in energy used throughout the day, affecting certain parts of the brain, or an assortment of all of these different possibilities. However, to be most specific, phentermine is classified as a sympathomimetic amine and is typically identified as an appetite suppressant. We recommend you do research and are eating a healthy diet and exercising prior to trying phentermine.
What are the side effects?
When taking phentermine, individuals may experience side effects of dizziness, dry mouth, irritability, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, or constipation. Generally, when one experiences these side effects, they should discuss it with their doctor immediately so that she may professionally advise the patient to try something else or to try a different dose of phentermine. Oftentimes, however, the doctor believes that the patient may experience greater results than side effects, which is why they will advise that the patient take the medication.
If the individual should experience anything so severe as an irregular heartbeat, odd mood changes, an uncontrolled movement of the muscles, or change in libido or sexual interest and ability, the patient should stop taking phentermine and discuss this with their doctor right away. The professional may decide to try something else or lower the dose, which is a possible option when taking phentermine 37.5 mg.
Other, rarer, side effects may occur. If the individual should experience anything like terrible, unbearable headaches, an inability to properly enunciate words, seizures, any weakness in parts of the body, or blurred vision/vision changes, stop taking phentermine immediately.
There is also the unlikelihood of the development of heart and lung problems and serious allergic reactions. If any of these occur, as stated above, the patient should stop taking the medication and seek consultation with their doctor. This may not be a complete list of all of the side effects of phentermine 37.5 mg and other doses. If the patient should experience anything odd while taking this medication, it is advised that the individual speak to their doctor immediately.
Where to find phentermine?
Phentermine is generally found in your neighborhood pharmacy. However, you may also consider purchasing phentermine online from an Internet-based pharmacy or something similar. Prescription diet pills online are seemingly becoming a cheaper and better option for products such as phentermine 37.5 mg, the object of discussion. In order to find methods to consider looking at the opportunity to find phentermine 37.5 mg buy online, consider discussing good and safe options with your doctor.
Is Phentermine a Good Option for Losing Weight?
Phentermine weight loss has been shown in many patient reviews to be a reasonable option when one has an irregular weight health problem or the diagnosis of obesity. Many find that they experience a loss of appetite and also complement a better ability to sleep when that was an issue before. Individuals taking phentermine have been shown to lose some weight the first day of use and show improvements throughout the continued use of this medication. When dieting and exercising as recommended by the individual’s doctor, it would seem that phentermine may be an excellent option for losing weight.

About The Doctor:

Dr. James Kojian, M.D. is not only a Physician and a Surgeon but is also a certified Anti-Aging and Longevity Expert who offers amazing results using F.D.A approved treatments And Dr. James Kojian Jr, MD - Owner And Founder of drtohelp.com, Fremont, CA

Reference Link: https://drtohelp.com/blogs/news/is-phentermine-good-for-losing-weight

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Dr. James Kojian - Why Fall Is The Perfect Time To Start Your Weight Loss Program

Autumn is a favorite time of year for many, and quickly becoming a favorite time to start a weight loss regimen. Getting fit in the fall keeps you ahead of the curve for winter, as the cold weather season remains synonymous with weight gain. Learn why this cooler time of year is perfect for starting Phentermine 37.5mg, eating right, and exercising.

Nutritious & Filling Fall Produce
Sweet potatoes, pumpkins, squash, and turnips are among the many delicious vegetables that abound in the fall. Pick up your favorites at the local farmer’s market to make roasted veggies, soups, and stews among other satiating dishes that keep you fuller for longer. Invest in a slow cooker if you do not already have one and take advantage of the increasingly-endless list of recipes available.
Better Weather For Exercising Outdoors
Fall is the perfect time to start walking, running, cross-training at the local park, or do any other exercises you enjoy outdoors. Working out during summer is more than a sweat fest, as it can be extremely dangerous due to the possibility of heat stroke. Cooler fall weather provides optimal temperatures for outdoor fun--just remember to wear layers so you do not get too sweaty, and to watch out for wet fallen leaves.
There’s also plenty of marathons, half-marathons, 5Ks, etc. in the fall due to temperate weather. Why not sign up for one and challenge yourself this season?
Routine, Routine, Routine
The autumn season is when many people “get back into routine.” Summer vacation is over, and if you have kids in school, you know the importance of sticking to a schedule. Fitting workouts into that schedule is arguably easier because things are more regimented.
please contact DrToHelp.com today.
About The Doctor:
Dr. James Kojian, M.D. is not only a Physician and a Surgeon but is also a certified Anti-Aging and Longevity Expert who offers amazing results using F.D.A approved treatments And Dr. James Kojian Jr, MD is an aesthetic medicine specialist in Studio City, CA and has been practicing for 28 years.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Dr. James Kojian - How Can I Lose Weight Rapidly with Phentermine

If you are like so many other men and women who are searching for an effective way to lose weight, phentermine weight loss may be the answer for you. Phentermine is a medication that has been approved by the FDA to assist those who are obese in shedding those unwanted pounds. It is intended to offer patients a fast track to weight loss to help them to stay motivated. In order to stay on a diet program, motivation is necessary. If your doctor can offer you a prescription medication that actually works, it is worth giving it a shot. Understanding phentermine can help you on your weight loss journey.
dr. james kojian

How Does Phentermine Work?
Phentermine is one of several weight loss medications that are available in prescription form to assist in weight loss. It is:
·         A stimulant
·         It curbs your appetite
·         It speeds up your metabolism
·         It is intended for short-term use
·         It is most effective when combined with fitness and healthy eating
When you look at phentermine weight loss results, you'll find that the phentermine average weight loss runs about five pounds a month, although this can vary depending on individual results. The biggest factor in effective weight loss with phentermine is knowing how to take phentermine and make it work. While phentermine can take excess weight off in a fast and effective way, many patients experience the rebound effect. As soon as they get rid of that weight they have been dragging around for so long, they go back to old habits. They no longer have phentermine to keep them on track and the weight comes back. All too often, people go on an extreme diet that deprives them of calories in such a radical way that they give into cravings as soon as they are done with their weight loss program. It's a recipe for gaining weight.
What is the Best Way to Lose Weight with Phentermine?
In order to lose weight effectively on any diet, it is important to take an approach that can last a lifetime. With the proper guidance from a physician, it is possible to see positive results from phentermine that are meant to last. However, phentermine can be extremely effective for long-term weight loss when you know the best approach. Try the following recommendations:
·         Drink at least 64 ounces of water a day to make you feel full and flush out your system.
·         Try reducing your calories between 500 and 1000 a day, three days a week to keep your metabolism on track.
·         Consider only taking phentermine on your reduced-calorie days to help curb your appetite.
·         Practice portion control and eat healthy foods every day.
·         Don't forget to get your exercise in regularly, including strength training to build muscle while you burn fat.
Remember that you want to create healthy habit that will last a lifetime to maintain your goal weight.
Try Phentermine Under a Doctor's Guidance
If you are considering trying phentermine for yourself, you will need a doctor to lead the way The best thing you can do is sit down with your physician for an evaluation of your health. Get a baseline of where you are right now with your weight and discuss where you want to go. Your doctor will determine your dosage of phentermine and give you advice about effective ways that you can lose weight while taking weight loss medication. Embrace a healthier lifestyle as you get ready for the new you. Stay the course and watch what happens when you know the best way to lose weight with phentermine

About Doctor:

Dr. James Kojian, M.D. is not only a Physician and a Surgeon but is also a certified Anti-Aging and Longevity Expert who offers amazing results using F.D.A approved treatments And Dr. James Kojian Jr, MD is an aesthetic medicine specialist in Studio City, CA and has been practicing for 28 years.