Monday, December 3, 2018

Dr. James Kojian M.D. - 4 Bad Carb Habits For Your Weight

Carbs have a bad reputation because too many simple carbs get consumed in the worse ways. Yet complex carbohydrates are important components of a healthy, well-balanced diet assuming you consume the right amounts from the healthiest sources. Learn about bad carb habits that hurt your waistline to help your Phentermine 37.5mg efforts.
Habit #1: You Don’t Eat Carbs Before You Work Out
Consuming carbs before you exercise gives your body the energy it needs to burn calories efficiently. Working out without loading up on carbs first is basically like going canoeing without a paddle. Carbs are energy, after all, so replenish your losses after you work out with more of them. It’s essential to speedy muscle recovery and restoring glycogen levels.
Habit #2: You Don’t Make Your Smoothies Yourself
If you rely on your local juice bar to make your fruit smoothies for you, you’re consuming a whole lot of sugary syrup. You’ll also consume excess sugar because of the fruit juice content. Stick to making smoothies at home so you know exactly what’s in them.

Habit #3: You Drink Beer
Beer has always been and will always be a waistline enemy. Most beers feature 10 to 20 grams of carbs per 12-ounce glass in addition to plenty of empty calories. Avoid alcohol as much as you can to lose weight and if you must drink, stick to hard brown liquor on the rocks. It contains the least calories of any alcoholic beverage.
Habit #4: You Love “Coffee Drinks”
Those coffee drinks piled high with whipped cream and syrup are little more than simple carb and calorie bombs featuring a whole lot of sugar. Stick to regular coffee and go light on the cream. 
For more on Phentermine 37.5mg
, please contact today.

About The Doctor:

Dr. James Kojian, M.D. is not only a Physician and a Surgeon but is also a certified Anti-Aging and Longevity Expert who offers amazing results using F.D.A approved treatments And Dr. James Kojian Jr, MD is an aesthetic medicine specialist in Studio City, CA and has been practicing for 28 years.

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Saturday, December 1, 2018

Dr. James Kojian M.D. - Study: How Many Calories You Burn Depends On The Time Of Day

According to a new study published in Current Biology, how many calories a person burns during periods of inactivity depends on the time of day. Researchers claim you burn more calories in the afternoon and early evening while at rest than you do in the morning. Learn about this study as part of your Phentermine 37.5mg weight loss journey.
dr. james kojian

A 10% Difference
New findings say you burn 10% more calories in the late afternoon and early evening compared to the morning during rest periods. These findings support the important role of the circadian clock in metabolism changes.
"The fact that doing the same thing at one time of day burned so many more calories than doing the same thing at a different time of day surprised us," says Kirsi-Marja Zitting of the Division of Sleep and Circadian Disorders at Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School and the paper’s lead author.
“Circling The Globe”
Researchers studied seven people in a special laboratory where they had no concept of the time outside. The idea was to chart their metabolism changes without influences from diet, the sleep-wake cycle, and activity.
"Because they were doing the equivalent of circling the globe every week, their body's internal clock could not keep up, and so it oscillated at its own pace," co-author Jeanne Duffy from the Division of Sleep and Circadian Disorders at Brigham and Women's Hospital, says. "This allowed us to measure metabolic rate at all different biological times of day.
"It is not only what we eat, but when we eat -- and rest -- that impacts how much energy we burn or store as fat," Duffy adds. "Regularity of habits such as eating and sleeping is very important to overall health."
For more on 
Phentermine 37.5mg, please contact today.

About Doctor:

Dr. James Kojian, M.D. is not only a Physician and a Surgeon but is also a certified Anti-Aging and Longevity Expert who offers amazing results using F.D.A approved treatments And Dr. James Kojian Jr, MD is an aesthetic medicine specialist in Studio City, CA and has been practicing for 28 years.

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Thursday, November 29, 2018

Dr. James Kojian M.D. - 4 Reasons To Work Out In The Morning

As you make lifestyle changes in light of taking Phentermine 37.5mg, you may be wondering about the best time of day to work out. And while the debate continues, there are numerous excellent reasons to exercise in the morning. Take a moment to learn about these benefits as you move forward with your weight loss journey.
Reason #1: You’re More Likely To Make Healthy Choices
When you work out in the a.m., your chances of making healthy choices for the rest of the day greatly improve. This is because of the pride associated with getting a workout in and feeling accomplished--why would you want to “celebrate” by eating donuts or bagels? You’re more likely to keep that great feeling going by consuming whole grains and fruit for breakfast, walking or biking instead of driving to work, etc.
Reason #2: You Could Lower Your Blood Pressure
A study published in the Journal of Vascular Health and Risk Management, says working out in the morning is a key to reducing hypertension, or high blood pressure. Those who exercised in the a.m. lowered their post-workout blood pressure by 10%, a dip that continued as the day went on.
Reason #3: You’ll Sleep Better
People who work out at night tend to have more difficulties sleeping because exercise raises your body temperature and interferes with the ability to fall asleep quickly. Compare that to people who work out in the morning: they sleep longer and deeper, and enjoy more time in the reparative stages of rest.
Reason #4: You’ll Feel Happier At Work
Exercise floods the brain with endorphins to reduce any bodily pain and boost your mood. This means you’ll walk into work feeling great and be less susceptible to stress and anxiety. 
For more on Phentermine 37.5mg
, please contact today.

About Doctor:

Dr. James Kojian, M.D. is not only a Physician and a Surgeon but is also a certified Anti-Aging and Longevity Expert who offers amazing results using F.D.A approved treatments And Dr. James Kojian Jr, MD is an aesthetic medicine specialist in Studio City, CA and has been practicing for 28 years.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Dr. James Kojian M.D. - 4 More Signs Your Weight Loss Won’t Last

Learn about four more telltale signs that your weight loss will not last without proper intervention. Remember, a healthy balanced diet and good mindset in combination with Phentermine 37.5mg and exercise are the keys to lasting weight loss.
dr. james kojian
Too Much Too Soon
Setting lofty weight loss goals may seem like a good idea, but it’s one that’s a recipe for failure. You aren’t going to completely overhaul your lifestyle in a few days--it takes small changes implemented on a consistent basis. Go slow and you’ll find you have made considerable changes over time...and look and feel better!
No Upkeep Plan
Losing weight is wonderful, but so is keeping it off. If you have no discernable plan for maintaining what you’ve accomplished, it’s easy to gain weight without even realizing it. While it’s perfectly fine to celebrate your success with an expensive glass of wine or piece of chocolate cake, you have to keep up with healthy habits consistently. Work on making your diet as healthy as possible and staying active to keep the weight off.
Lack Of Muscle Gain Or Toning
Since exercise is part of any comprehensive weight loss plan, a noticeable lack of muscle toning or muscle gain is bad sign. A body that isn’t more toned has probably just lost muscle mass, not actual fat. Weight-bearing exercises and a diet with the proper amount of calories, protein, and fat gives you the muscle definition you need.
Dislike Of Current Diet
If you don’t like what you are currently consuming, what are the chances of you continuing to eat it after you lose weight? Shedding pounds is about more than “eating what you have to,” it’s about making healthy diet choices that still allow you to enjoy your food. Experiment with a variety of recipes to see what you like.
For more on 
Phentermine 37.5mg, please contact today.

About Doctor:

Dr. James Kojian, M.D. is not only a Physician and a Surgeon but is also a certified Anti-Aging and Longevity Expert who offers amazing results using F.D.A approved treatments And Dr. James Kojian Jr, MD is an aesthetic medicine specialist in Studio City, CA and has been practicing for 28 years.

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Saturday, November 24, 2018

Dr. James Kojian M.D. - 4 Signs Your Weight Loss Will Not Last

The best way to lose weight is with a healthy, balanced diet, plenty of exercise and sleep, reducing your stress level, and taking Phentermine 37.5mg. Too many people attempt “quick fixes” that do not result in lasting weight loss. Take a moment to learn the signs indicating your weight loss won’t last so you can make changes quickly.
Serious Irritability
If you find yourself snapping at loved ones or otherwise feeling irritable all the time, you may be losing weight too fast. This problem is especially prevalent among those whose diets do not include enough complex carbohydrates or protein. Deprivation is a huge source of irritability!
An Overly-Restrictive Diet
Crash dieting, cutting out major food groups, and other hallmarks of fad or overly-restrictive diets cause your metabolism to seriously slow down. Once that happens your hunger level will increase and you will be more likely to binge. Rather than facing the guilt and embarrassment so often associated with binging, find ways to round out your diet. You should be eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, nuts/seeds/whole grains, and lean protein every day.
Mental Or Emotional Issues
Dealing with the reasons for your weight gain and accepting them is key to any successful weight loss plan, especially if the size increase was due to any kind of trauma. Professional help from an objective therapist helps you realize your issues and face them head-on so you can lose weight and feel great.
Clothes Don’t Fit
If you find yourself telling people you are losing weight versus them noticing, your loss probably will not last. Your clothes should fit differently, as clothing is always a huge determining factor in how much weight you have lost or gained.
For more on Phentermine 37.5mg, please contact today.
About The Doctor

Dr. James Kojian, M.D. is not only a Physician and a Surgeon but is also a certified Anti-Aging and Longevity Expert who offers amazing results using F.D.A approved treatments And Dr. James Kojian Jr, MD is an aesthetic medicine specialist in Studio City, CA and has been practicing for 28 years.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Dr. James Kojian M.D. - 5 Fitness Tips For Thanksgiving Weekend

If you have been doing well on your Phentermine 37.5mg regimen and do not want Thanksgiving weekend to derail your efforts, you are hardly alone. Use the following fitness tips to help yourself avoid weight gain during Thanksgiving and the rest of your holiday events.

dr. james kojian

Keep Up With Your Exercise Schedule
Try to keep up with your exercise schedule as best you can, even if you are traveling. Go for a walk or run in the morning, visit the local gym with a family member who has a pass, or go for a swim if your relatives have a pool. There are plenty of ways to burn calories even when you are far from home.
Walk After Meals
Make a habit of going for walks after your meals to burn your food off instead of letting it sit. This helps digestion and burns calories so what you just ate doesn’t sit. Walking is especially important if consume a lot of heavy foods.

Use Downtime To Exercise
Have five minutes here and 10 minutes there in between courses or when you are waiting for something to finish cooking or baking? Use your time wisely--do squats, jumping jacks, lunges, or anything else that gets your blood pumping and your metabolism going.
Play With The Kids
Get outside and play with the kids, whether they are your own or a family member’s. Play touch football, tag, or anything else that involves a lot of running and jumping around. The kids will love it and so will you!
Find A Buddy
Find a family member or close friend who is as committed to staying fit during the holidays as you are and work out together, whether it’s working out in the backyard or taking a yoga class. Buddies always help you stay on the fitness track.
For more on Phentermine 37.5mg, please contact today.

About The Doctor:

Dr. James Kojian, M.D. is not only a Physician and a Surgeon but is also a certified Anti-Aging and Longevity Expert who offers amazing results using F.D.A approved treatments And Dr. James Kojian Jr, MD - Owner And Founder of, Fremont, CA

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Dr. James Kojian M.D. - 3 Unexpected Reasons For Unexpected Weight Gain

If you enjoy a healthy, balanced diet most of the time and exercise regularly but still find yourself gaining weight, don’t panic. There could be one or several reasons for your unexpected weight gain. Consider the following reasons in addition to starting a Phentermine 37.5mg regimen to shed those pounds.

dr. james kojian

Overeating Healthy Foods
While foods such as avocados, quinoa, oatmeal, and nuts are all extremely good for you, their high fat content can pack on the pounds if you eat too much of them every day. Fruit other than avocados as well as vegetables are low in fat and calories so you can always eat more of them, but remember to measure your portions for everything else.
When the body is dehydrated, it sends signals many mistake for hunger. Water also helps you feel full so you are less likely to consume excess calories.
When you’re dehydrated, the body will conserve water for vital body functions, which can result in water retention and a higher number on the scale,” adds ‘Biggest Loser’ dietitian Cheryl Forberg.
Get the habit of always having water with you and sipping it throughout the day to avoid this issue and enjoy better overall health.
As many as 25 percent of people taking certain antidepressants report gaining 10 pounds or more,” says Alissa Rumsey, Registered Dietitian and Spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “Some medications may cause food cravings, especially for carbohydrates, and some find that their medication increases their appetite. The drugs may affect metabolism negatively as well.”
Discuss switching medications with your physician and making other healthy lifestyle changes to help yourself lose weight and boost your mood, such as exercising more often. 
Learn more about Phentermine 37.5mg
 by contacting today.

About The Doctor:

Dr. James Kojian, M.D. is not only a Physician and a Surgeon but is also a certified Anti-Aging and Longevity Expert who offers amazing results using F.D.A approved treatments And Dr. James Kojian Jr, MD - Owner And Founder of, Fremont, CA